I am Dr. Elizabeth Nguyen. I am here to help you restore your sacred healing connection to water. I was born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii and my body and soul has always felt a strong connection to the big blue Pacific Ocean.
However, I left the islands at the age of 18 to attend college at Stanford University, and then stayed on the mainland to continue medical school at Northwestern University, and my adult and child psychiatry training at UC Davis. I ended up settling in Davis, California to raise a family, and was separated from the ocean for many years. My heart and soul ached for a closer connection to the sea. It has been my own personal journey of restoring my relationship to my own waters, and the waters of our Planet, that has brought me full circle back to creating the Water Keepers Community.

As a psychiatrist, I have had a front-row seat to the intimate and complex experiences and challenges that make up the human experience.
As a spiritual seeker, I have always been interested in understanding the mysteries of life and my role and purpose in it.
As a nature and water lover, I am devoted to doing my part to protect and preserve this beautiful planet Earth that we all call home.
The Water Keepers Community is a weaving together of these separate streams of my life and experience into a sacred container for deep personal healing.
As a psychiatrist, I have had a front-row seat to the intimate and complex experiences and challenges that make up the human experience.
As a spiritual seeker, I have always been interested in understanding the mysteries of life and my role and purpose in it.
As a nature and water lover, I am devoted to doing my part to protect and preserve this beautiful planet Earth that we all call home.
The Water Keepers Community is a weaving together of these separate streams of my life and experience into a sacred container for deep personal healing and planetary transformation.

When we disconnect from water, our own inner waters, and the waters of our planet, our lives can feel parched and dry. And yet, water is all around and within us.
When I began the sacred journey of reconnecting to my own inner waters and restoring my relationship to water, everything in my life changed.
Once your waters start flowing again, everything in your life opens up. When you purify your waters, you uncover and become more of who you truly are, and then because water is a natural reflector, your outer life starts transforming to reflect the state of your inner waters. I teach people how to access their own inner wellspring and guide and support them in keeping their waters running freely and naturally in their lives, and ultimately expression into the world. Working with water as your healing ally and wise guide feels easy and natural because it is who you are. You are a body of water.

The Water Keepers Community is a community of loving souls devoted to healing ourselves and we are working on the waters within ourselves. We are a tribe that values truth, beauty, authenticity, courage, connection, service, and wisdom.
Being the keeper of our own waters we are working on the waters within ourselves. Each one of the members in this Community is on their own personal awakening, healing, growth, and spiritual journey, and we provide love and support to each other while working towards a shared vision of restoring. we are working on the waters within ourselves to health and harmony.
By allowing water herself to be our primary teacher and guide, we learn from her wisdom so that we become physical embodiments of purely flowing water.
Our community is a healthy and vibrant ecosystem where rich biodiversity provides natural resources for all to share in.
About Us
We are a community of like-minded and heart-centered souls who care deeply about this beautiful blue planet we call home.