This is your special invitation to become a member of the Water Keepers Community

This is your special invitation to become a member of the Water Keepers Community

A sacred container where we honor water, life, each other, and Mother Earth.

Restore proper FLOW and BALANCE to your life

Heal and Transform to become the fullest, most ALIVE and VIBRANT expression of yourself

Unleash your CREATIVITY and INNATE GIFTS in service to the biodiversity, health, and vitality of our planetary ecosystem

Become part of a LOVING and THRIVING community that will co-create templates for modern sustainable ecological living

Are you ready to connect with and learn from the infinite wisdom and power of water?


To open the proper flow of health, abundance, joy, creativity, and healing into your life?  And contribute to the restoration of our planetary ecosystem?  And are you ready to do it in community, with others?   We can not do this alone.  We can not build out the vision of a healthy and harmonious life on Earth without each other.  

In this new Age of Aquarius

In this new Age of Aquarius, those who learn to live in proper relationship with the energy, principles, and wisdom of water will lead the way towards a more harmonious future for our planet.   Experience greater ease and flow in the manifestation of all of your heart’s and soul’s desires, and simultaneously restore Earth to health, vitality, and beauty.  Are you ready to become a Water Keeper?  Our Planet needs you.

Renew your sacred connection to water, your own internal body of water, and the larger planetary body of water​

Learn from the wisdom of water to restore the proper flow of life force energy and vitality in your health

Remove emotional dams, blockages and repressed traumas that have limited your full and natural expression and learn to ride the emotional waves of life

Heal inner-child wounds and release ancestral patterns to restore child-like qualities of joy, playfulness, curiosity, and wonder

Find balance between the feminine and masculine energies of being in your body and life

Awaken and revitalize creative and sexual expression

Strengthen your connection to your intuition and the wisdom of your own soul’s knowing and guidance

Make movement and progress in ALL areas of your life - health, relationships, work, abundance

Come into rhythm and harmony with the Earth’s waters and the universal flow of energies for creation and manifestation

Experience positive ripple effects for those around you - family, friends, community

Be part of a community that loves and supports one another in co-creating this vision of modern sustainable ecological living

Become the fullest expression of your unique self, and contribute to the health, vitality, and biodiversity of our planetary ecosystem

What Will You Receive in the Water Keepers Community?

A sacred container held in the highest vibration of Divine love and service.

A safe and loving place to call home. A place where you will feel deep and true belonging to this Earth community so that you can occupy your soul’s unique ecological niche that was created just for you.

Twice/month group calls to gather as a community and receive love, healing, wisdom, guidance, support, and inspiration to keep us all moving forward on our personal and collective journeys as water keepers

Channeled messages directly from the wisdom of our global waterways

Guest expert teachings, collaborative healers’ and indigenous wisdom spotlights

Access to library of meditations, guided healings and activations

Community platform to connect, collaborate, and co-create synergistically with one another

Accountability, Support, Healing, Inspiration, Guidance, Global Connection

Water is Priceless

A precious resource that we must protect, preserve, and honor for all generations to come. Our planet needs Water Keepers.

JOIN NOW  as a member of this community for  $99/month or $990/annually.

(There is no monthly commitment. You may cancel your membership at any time.)






BUY NOW and receive the Restore Your Body of Water and the Water and Elements online course for FREE ($297 value).

Meet Your Water Keeper

Hello, I’m Elizabeth Nguyen , MD. 

 I am a psychiatrist and a somatic therapist.  But my work as a Water Keeper is not psychiatry or psychotherapy.  It’s something entirely new.  It’s what I call human ecological restoration.  I am a Water Keeper for the human soul “to restore the waters of our planet…”

I have been tasked with cleaning up the internal waterways of the human collective, cleansing, purifying and releasing the toxins and blockages that have long dammed up the waters within the human body and limited our full and natural expression.  

Once human hearts, minds, and bodies have been purified, the waters of our planet can be properly channeled through collective human action.  It is my passion to help others awaken their dormant creativity and unlock and unleash their innate gifts into the world for greater health, beauty, biodiversity and vitality

My medicine is water and love, and with these two divine forces, I know that anything is possible.  Anything your heart and soul desires, and everything your imagination can envision is possible.  Your potential is infinite and it is my soul’s purpose to assist you in unfolding to your soul’s highest potential guided by the flow, power, and abundance that are the natural properties of water and earth.  


My vision for the Water Keepers Community is a sacred space for deep personal healing and transformation that unlocks the beautiful, creative gifts and expression of each. 

This will be a place for you to receive the guidance and support for your own personal journey, while connecting with and collaborating with an amazing network of individuals committed to the work of healing and restoring our planet to her true and full potential as a home for all of us.  

 I am guided by water and the principles of Love, Truth, Service, Community, and Collaboration.  Together, we can co-create the world we want to live in, and the world we want to leave behind for our children, grandchildren, and future generations to come.  

What People Are Saying...

Client Testimonial

I have had extraordinary experiences dropping into deeply transformative healing states with this amazing woman. I am not the same person I was when I entered her container three months ago! She has such a powerful transmission, mission and message. So many gifts and so much insight to share. Dr. Liz has founded the Water Keepers Community as a place to collectively cultivate and reclaim our sacred relationship with the planet, and with water. In this group, she guides a gorgeous, powerful and deeply guided meditation experience twice monthly to support us in healing and awakening together.
- Dr. Michelle Veneziano
The Water Keepers Community created by Liz spoke to my inner waters and they answered immediately. No words needed. It was a communication between waters. That is the magic of this community: A deep connection to the wisdom of water in all its shapes and forms. We are invited to journey into the magical world of water and experience huge transformation and insight through our own bodies of water. In meditations guided by Liz I experienced my own water body with energies I did not know existed. These experiences are now anchored deep in my own body system and help me to ground and transform in these changing and challenging times. Thank you Liz for having the courage to expand and share your wisdom with this community.
- Gudrun Otten
I love this group. I felt drawn to it when I first saw it even though I wasn’t sure why, but I just trusted my intuition. 🌊 It has helped me to look at water, my body, and my reality so differently and opened up my relationship with water… and my relationship with myself…. and how this impacts so much of my life, and how I can develop those relationships to flow through my life differently. ☀️🌊 Elizabeth holds a huge space, and allows things to flow naturally just like water. Things have changed a lot in just the first few months so I’m excited to see what could unfold in the next months. Thank you so so much. I love this group ✨💠✨
- Sarah Impey
Everything about Dr. Gutierrez’s Water Keepers Community makes it the most powerful meditation-based healing practice I have ever experienced. By design, the WKC provides a sustained approach to healing through biweekly sessions led by Dr. Gutierrez, each one expertly building upon the other. The WKC allows space for individual and group healing, and each session reminds me just how much our ecological restoration connects to and depends upon others. Finally, the way classically trained artists acquire foundational skills, discipline, and ways of thinking, Dr. Gutierrez’s training as a medical doctor has equipped her to become an extraordinarily effective multidimensional psychiatrist and energy healer guided by a deep commitment to serve others.
- Christiane Connors
Joining and participating in the Water Keepers Community has been one of the best investments I have made in my own personal and collective wellness. Elizabeth Nguyen is a highly skilled multidimensional individual weaving her extensive knowledge of the physical body and mind as a psychiatrist together with her spiritual and intuitive connection to water. She guides us through two healing meditations a month that correspond to the new moon and the full moon. These mindful meditative journeys have guided me to connect more deeply to my own creative internal waters and increased my appreciation and understanding of the value and importance of how we are are all connected to one another.
- Ann Burke
I hold great appreciation for Liz and her guidance with our Water Keepers Community. She holds a gentle yet powerful energy, honoring each one of us individually and collectively. Being a part of the group has given me the connection and community that I have been longing for, and Liz provides a safe place to show up and have the opportunity to engage in some amazing healing and soul support. Part of the reason I joined the group is to have a commitment that’s scheduled with others. I am determined to make changes within myself to break intergenerational cycles. This group has definitely helped me incredibly. It is what was missing from my toolbox. I am now more grounded, and experiencing calmer and more controlled waters personally, along with feeling the ripple effect of this powerful work spilling over into my professional role as a therapist. I am forever grateful for Liz and my growth within the Water Keepers Community.
- Danielle Ensley

We are here to help you!

Our decisions and actions over the next decade will determine the future of our planet. There is no time to waste. You are a Water Keeper.
Because we are all keepers of our own waters. And it is our responsibility to honor water by keeping our waters running as freely and purely as possible.





(There is no monthly commitment. You may cancel your membership at any time.)