What We Do
We restore our own personal relationship to water to heal the waters within.
The Water Keepers Community first focuses on cleaning up the internal waterways of the human collective – purifying and releasing the toxins and blockages that have long dammed up the waters within the human body and limited our full potential.
It is from this place of cleaning up our own waters first that we then take aligned action to become agents of change in our communities by simply allowing our waters to naturally express themselves through our innate creative gifts and expression.
This work is human ecological restoration because it is the work of restoring humans to their natural state of being and health. Restoring our connection to water, and the state of our own body of water – its purity, its flow, and its expression in our own physical, emotional, energetic, and spiritual embodiment in our human vessel is a daily lived practice.

We harmonize with the energies of Gaia, our mother Earth, allowing this vibration to seep into our bodies and cellular consciousness to awaken ancient memories of a time when the waters of our Planet were pristine and flowed freely.
These memories contain within them the seeds for an alchemy that is an unfolding journey of deep personal healing and transformation.
We constantly are keepers of our own waters and our own vibration, allowing this vibration to grow ever stronger in our own embodiments and in our daily lives so that we become ecologically restored and contribute to the healthy ecosystem of life. As a community, we hold this vibration together and harness the energy of the group to create collective change on a larger level.
Modern life and conditioned patterns of thoughts, behaviors and societal norms provide daily challenges to maintaining this healthy, harmonious state within ourselves.
That is where the Water Keepers Community provides a modern day oasis for the sensitive and awakened human soul to seek refuge and drink deeply from the wisdom of water free from the illusions of separation, fear, and scarcity.
Our natural state is a state of love, ease, and abundance.
We aim to become living embodiments of pure free water, to “Live like water, love like water.”
Water Keepers Community
Become a Member
We are a sacred community that you can call home, a place of unconditional love and belonging. If our mission, vision, and values resonate with you, we would love to have you join us.
Water Keepers Community
Become a Member
We are a sacred community that you can call home, a place of unconditional love and belonging. If our mission, vision, and values resonate with you, we would love to have you join us.
The natural qualities and expressions of water are beauty, magic, power, play, joy, expansion, healing, abundance, purity, cleansing, connection, embracing, refreshing, revitalizing, spirit, and love.
Water is life and water imbues life with these qualities. When you restore your connection to water, and your own waters run free and pure, your life will also naturally reflect these qualities.
Come join us as a member of the Water Keepers Community. We are waiting for you with open arms and hearts.
About Us
We are a community of like-minded and heart-centered souls who care deeply about this beautiful blue planet we call home.